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Premium Quality
Harley Davidson Regulator
Harley Davidson 74523-94, 74523-94A
XL1200C Sportster 1200 Custom 1996-2003 1200cc
XL1200S Sportster 1200 Sport 1996-2003 1200cc
XL883C Sportster 883 Custom 1998 883cc
XL883C Sportster 883 Custom 1999-2003 883cc
XL883R Sportster 883 Roadster 2002-2003 883cc
XLH1200 1994-2003 1200cc
XLH883 1994-2003 883cc
XLH883DLX Sportster 883 Deluxe 1994-1995 883cc
XLH883HUG Sportster 883 Hugger 1994-2003 883cc
SPECS:12 Volt, Shunt-Type, 14.5 Vset
SPECS FOR: Harley-Davidson Systems
DIM 1:10 in. Lead Length
FEATURE 1:Transpo
FEATURE 2:Ceramic hybrid construction
FEATURE 3:Black finish
FEATURE 4:Finned case for greater cooling
VOLT: 12
Volt Set: 14.5
Alternators and starters for industrial agricultural applications
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Contact DEtails
(828) 369-0118
578 Tryphosa Rd Otto, NC 28763